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New express function in last Nano update dated 22/11/2019

Posted: 25 Nov 2019 15:52
by kiyohira

The new functions (Annotate(), RGB(),colour spec for plotbars() et plotcandles() ) seem very interesting but we would need to know how to code them properly with the "format", e.g. the parameters to be used, as usually described in the Express Function Manual. Could you please update the manual for these functions or provide examples of code in the interim period ?

It is be possible to use the Annotate function just on a candlestick on its own and not a Triangle or Ellipse ? If not, would it be possible to update the function ?

The configuration of the line style in the Visualization Editor is indeed a very good new feature, now that would be even greater if we could hard code dotted lines in Express via a new plotdottedline() function. All graphs would be much clearer if all moving averages could show as dotted lines, at the moment graphs get quickly messy with too many similar lines.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Re: New express function in last Nano update dated 22/11/2019

Posted: 26 Nov 2019 15:56
by WHS Support
Dear kiyohira,

please find the updated Express functions manual attached for your reference (it includes two examples for the Annotate() function). It will be updated inside NanoTrader shortly as well.

Best regards,